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Replace JavaScript serializer in Kendo controls with NewtonSoft

I have been doing code optimization for an ASP MVC 5 application that uses the Telerik Kendo controls. Some of the search results may return 7000 records in this project. After I had replaced the serializer, it took 30% less time to load the search results page.


The ASP MVC Helpers for Kendo controls by default use the System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer which is slow compared to the NewtonSoft Json serializer. Telerik made it easy to replace the default serializer.


  • Created a class that implements IJavaScriptSerializer and implement the Serialize method.
    public class CustomKendoJsonSerializer : IJavaScriptSerializer
       public string Serialize(object value)
          return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value); //use the serializer you want  here
  • Create a class that implements JavaScriptInitializer and implement the CreateSerializer method
    public class CustomKendoInitializer : JavaScriptInitializer
    public override IJavaScriptSerializer CreateSerializer()
    return new CustomKendoJsonSerializer ();
  • In the Application_Start event in the Global.asax file, register the new serializer
Kendo.Mvc.Infrastructure.DI.Current.Register<IJavaScriptInitializer>(() => new CustomKendoInitializer());
Categories: .NET,, C# Tags: , ,

ASP MVC 5: ViewBag does not exist in the current context

After upgrading one of my client’s applications from ASP MVC 4 to ASP MVC 5, We had designers errors related to Html Helpers and ViewBag in cshtml pages.

To fix those issues make sure you do the following:
Install Asp.NET Web Helpers Library from Nuget
Open the Web.config of the project and update the bindings if they haven’t been updated when installing the Nuget packages for example

<assemblyIdentity name=”System.Web.Mvc” publicKeyToken=”31bf3856ad364e35″ />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion=”″ newVersion=”” />


Find “webpages:Version” in the appsettings and update it to version My web.config had

<add key=”webpages:Version” value=”″ />

and I updated it to

<add key=”webpages:Version” value=”″ />

Restart Visual Studio and rebuild. You may have to delete the bin folder for your project


About Lajak Technologies

A consulting firm in Ottawa, Ontario that provides services related to Microsoft technologies, Team Foundation Server, DevOps practices, security and more. Contact us today to help you solving your complex software problems. Visit us at

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Read Authorization section from Web.config

In my current project, I had to read the find the Windows group for the ESB portal which can be found in the authorization section of the web.config for the ESB portal. I used the following code to read it:

var config = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(“/Bam”, “Default web Site”);
var section = config.GetSection(“system.web/authorization”) as AuthorizationSection;

if (section == null)
    return string.Empty;

foreach (AuthorizationRule rule in section.Rules)
     if (rule.Action.ToString().ToLower() == “allow” && rule.Roles.Count > 0)
        foreach (var item in rule.Roles)
            if (item != “*”)
                return rule.Roles[0];
return string.Empty;


Categories: .NET,, C#, Tips Tags: , ,

ASP.NET Move Link Elements from the Body Element to Head

ASP.NET: Move Link Elements from the Body Element to Head

Today at a client site, we use a custom template and some 3rd party custom controls. to build the pages The custom template is a standard template by the company and we have to use it. Long story short, the template doesn’t initialize the Head property on the page. Hence when 3rd part custom controls finds that page.head ==null, it registers the webresources, as link elements, into the body of the page. Hence, the page fails xhtml strict validation check.

To fix that behaviour I wrote the following code:

Protected Overrides Sub Render(ByVal writer As System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter)
Dim sbPageHtml As New StringBuilder
        'Get the html to be rendered
MyBase.Render(New HtmlTextWriter(New StringWriter(sbPageHtml)))
Dim strPagHtml = sbPageHtml.ToString()
'find the occurences of
Dim matches() As String = (From m As Match In Regex.Matches(strPagHtml, "*") _
Select m.Value).ToArray()
        'matches exist
        If matches.Length > 0 Then
'remove occurances from html
Dim toRenderPageHtml As String = Regex.Replace(strPagHtml, "*", "")
           'Write found link tags into the head tag
toRenderPageHtml = toRenderPageHtml.Replace("", String.Format("{0}", String.Join("", matches)))

        Else 'no matches found, no modifications required
        End If
    End Sub

If you can think of other solutions, feel free to post them in the comment section.

Categories: .NET,, VB Tags: , ,